
Curriculum features>Curriculum development>Interdisciplinary theme learning 2018 – 2019

Interdisciplinary theme learning 2018 – 2019

Our learning theme this year is “Play, live green and save”. 

Through “4 steps in exploration”:  Discover problem, analyze & organize, collect information and act.

Let students learn and practice green living in everyday life.


(1) Course content

Grade Title Learning goals
P1     Dream playground   

Use students’ often visited park as theme. Explore recycling and reusing objects to make facilities for the playground.  Apply the concepts of saving by recycling and reusing in everyday life.

P2 “Save”& “Create” toys 

Use students’ favored toys as theme, explore recycling objects to make toys

P3  Save every drop

By examining water use at school & home, explore how to save water in everyday life.


(2) Learning highlights in each grade and student projects


P1:  Dream playground

P2: “Save” & “Create” toys

P3:   Save every drop

(3) Activity details & highlights

Lunchtime cleaner

Let students learn to cherish food.  Encourage them to only take the appropriate quantity of lunch, finish all the food in one’s bowl and don’t waste.  A total of 545 people at school reached their target.

Plastics free recess

Let students practice plastics free living.  First, teachers will explain the environmental damage of plastics and plastics free tips.  Invite students to join in plastics free recesses and prepare own plastics free healthy snacks. A total of 472 people at school reached their target.

Environmental discoveries

Through the video “Environmental discoveries”, principal and teachers shared their environmental actions in everyday life.  Next, students interviewed their family and friends over the holidays, recorded their creative, green living tips and learnt various ways to protect the environment.

Outdoor learning experiences

To enable students to get near nature and enjoy nature, learn about recycling to make playground facilities, we have arranged students to visit holiday farms and experience outdoor learning.

Activity book cover design competition champion works

Opening ceremony – introducing the scenes and activities

Closing ceremony – sharing reports and summary