
Curriculum features>Curriculum development>Interdisciplinary theme learning 2016 – 2017

Interdisciplinary theme learning 2016 – 2017

From 5th to 16th December, we held the interdisciplinary theme learning week for P1 to P3 at school.  Our theme this year was “Health body, mind and spirit”. We focused on students’ mental health.  Students with a healthy mind will bravely face challenges, overcome difficulties and unleash their potential.


(1) Course content


 Grade Title Goals
P1 Healthy habits

Help students cultivate healthy living habits & skills. Persevere and practice.

P2 Caring for others    

Learn to love & care for others, get along, enhance mental health

P3 Positive thinking     

Learn positive thinking, enhance resilience when facing challenges


Opening ceremony

Interdisciplinary theme learning book cover design competition champion works


(2) Activities

Learning week activities


Opening ceremony

Sharing tips for a good mood

Parent-child exercise award program

Exhibit of books on healthy body, mind & spirit

DIY beautify the mind by being thankful for large and small things, unleash positive thinking, understand “count your blessings”, learn to cherish and enhance mental health.

Happy child charter

Outings for physical & mental health

Student seminar:  prevent bullying

Life education:  life fighters

Closing ceremony


Theme books exhibit

DIY beautify the mind

Activities before learning week


Interdisciplinary theme learning book cover design competition

Interdisciplinary theme learning week songs:  old song, new lyrics parent-child creative competition

World spine day 2016 “ HK stand straight day”

Working parent seminar: “close parenting effects on EQ & brain development”

Extension activities after learning week


Laugh out health activities

Review of results from interdisciplinary theme learning

World love to laugh day

LEAP healthy living educational vehicle

Care for the young educational vehicle